User Primitives are powerful building blocks that enable developers to create complex robot behaviors by combining Maurice's physical capabilities (navigation, manipulation) with digital functions (API calls, data processing, etc.). These primitives serve as the highest level of abstraction in Maurice's architecture, allowing the robot agent to seamlessly integrate physical and digital tasks into cohesive operations.
Each primitive consists of three essential components:
Usage Guidelines
Natural language descriptions of when the primitive should be used
Required environmental conditions and context
Constraints on when the primitive can be safely executed
Expected outcomes and side effects
Any dependencies on other primitives or system states
Interruption Protocol
Defined safety procedures for stopping execution
Cleanup steps to maintain system consistency
State restoration procedures
Error handling and recovery methods
Conditions under which interruption is allowed or blocked
Execution Sequence
Ordered list of physical and digital operations
Clear entry and exit conditions for each step
Error handling at each stage
Success/failure criteria with feedback
State validation between steps
Defining Primitives
To create a new primitive, create a Python file in the ~/primitives directory. Here's the basic structure:
from innate.primitive import Primitivefrom typing import TupleclassMyPrimitive(Primitive):def__init__(self):""" Initialize the primitive """super().__init__()# Required: initialize parent classdefguidelines(self) ->str:""" Define usage guidelines for when this primitive should be used Returns: string describing use cases and restrictions """return""" Use this primitive when: - [Describe when to use this primitive] - [List relevant conditions] Do not use when: - [Describe when not to use this primitive] - [List restrictions or limitations] """defexecute(self) -> Tuple[str,bool]:""" Main execution logic Returns: (feedback string, success boolean) """try:# Implement your primitive's logic herereturn"Task completed successfully",Trueexcept:return"Task failed",Falsedefinterrupt(self):""" Define how to safely stop execution """# Implement safe stopping behavior here
Example Primitives
1. GoHome Primitive
File Location: ~/primitives/
A basic movement primitive that returns the robot to its home position. Demonstrates coordination between navigation and manipulation systems for safe repositioning.
Key Implementation Points:
Initializes both navigation and manipulation systems
Moves arm to zero position before navigation
Uses absolute coordinates (0,0,0) for consistent home position
from innate.primitive import Primitivefrom innate import navigation, manipulationimport numpy as npfrom typing import TupleclassGoHome(Primitive):def__init__(self):super().__init__() navigation.init() manipulation.init()defguidelines(self) ->str:return""" Use this primitive when: - Robot needs to return to its home position - Robot needs to reset its configuration - Starting a new set of tasks Do not use when: - Robot is carrying objects - Path to home is blocked """defexecute(self) -> Tuple[str,bool]:try:# First move arm to safe position home_joints = np.zeros(6)# All joints to zero position manipulation.set_joint_pose(home_joints)# Then navigate to home position navigation.go_to_pose(0, 0, 0)return"Successfully returned to home position",TrueexceptExceptionas e:returnf"Failed to return home: {str(e)}",Falsedefinterrupt(self):# Stop all movement navigation.interrupt() manipulation.interrupt()
2. Pick Trash Primitive
File Location: ~/primitives/
A vision-based manipulation primitive that uses natural language descriptions to identify and pick up trash items. Combines visual navigation with manipulation policies.
Key Implementation Points:
Uses in-sight navigation with description matching
Maintains safe distance (0.5m) during approach
Executes pre-trained picking policy
Includes safe gripper release in interruption
from innate.primitive import Primitivefrom innate import navigation, manipulationimport timefrom typing import TupleclassPickTrash(Primitive):def__init__(self):super().__init__()# Initialize both systems navigation.init() manipulation.init()defguidelines(self) ->str:return""" Use this primitive when: - You need to pick up trash or debris - The trash item is visible to the robot - The item is within the robot's manipulation range Do not use when: - The trash is too heavy (>200g) - The trash is hazardous material - Multiple items need to be picked at once - The item is not clearly visible """defexecute(self,description:str) -> Tuple[str,bool]:try:# Navigate to be near the described trash navigation.go_to_in_sight(description, distance=0.2)# Move arm and wait manipulation.set_ee_pose({"x": 0.3, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.1}) time.sleep(1)# Run the grasping policy manipulation.run_policy("pick_item")returnf"Successfully picked up {description}",TrueexceptExceptionas e:returnf"Failed to pick up {description}: {str(e)}",Falsedefinterrupt(self):# Stop all movement navigation.interrupt() manipulation.interrupt()# Release gripper if engaged manipulation.set_gripper_pressure(0.0)
3. Alert User Primitive
File Location: ~/primitives/
A digital integration primitive that combines physical gestures with email notifications for security alerts. Shows basic integration of robot actions with external services.
Key Implementation Points:
Coordinates physical gesture with email sending
Uses SMTP for reliable email delivery
Includes safe arm positioning in interruption
Provides detailed alert messages with descriptions
from innate.primitive import Primitivefrom innate import manipulationimport smtplibfrom email.message import EmailMessageimport timefrom typing import TupleclassAlertUser(Primitive):def__init__(self):super().__init__() manipulation.init()# Email configuration self.smtp_server ="" self.smtp_port =587 self.sender_email ="" self.sender_password ="your-app-password"# Use app-specific passworddefguidelines(self) ->str:return""" Use this primitive when: - Suspicious activity is detected - Unauthorized person is present - Unusual behavior is observed - Security concerns arise Do not use when: - Regular employees are present - Scheduled maintenance is occurring - Known visitors are in the space """defexecute(self,description:str) -> Tuple[str,bool]:try:# Raise hand high manipulation.set_ee_pose({"x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.5}) time.sleep(1)# Send email alert msg =EmailMessage() msg.set_content(f"Suspicious activity detected: {description}") msg['Subject']='Security Alert: Suspicious Activity' msg['From']= self.sender_email msg['To']=""with smtplib.SMTP(self.smtp_server, self.smtp_port)as server: server.starttls() server.login(self.sender_email, self.sender_password) server.send_message(msg)returnf"Alert sent for: {description}",TrueexceptExceptionas e:returnf"Failed to send alert: {str(e)}",Falsedefinterrupt(self): manipulation.interrupt() manipulation.set_ee_pose({"x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0})
4. Gas Sensor Integration Primitive
File: ~/primitives/
A sensor integration primitive that combines gas sensing with robot navigation to monitor air quality in different locations. Shows hardware sensor integration with robot behaviors.
from innate.primitive import Primitivefrom innate import navigationimport boardimport adafruit_sgp30import smtplibfrom email.message import EmailMessagefrom typing import TupleclassMonitorAir(Primitive):def__init__(self):super().__init__() navigation.init()# Initialize sensor i2c = board.I2C() self.gas_sensor = adafruit_sgp30.Adafruit_SGP30(i2c)# Thresholds self.thresholds ={'eco2':1000,# ppm'tvoc':250# ppb}# Email setup self.smtp_server ="" self.smtp_port =587 self.sender_email ="" self.sender_password ="your-app-password"defguidelines(self) ->str:return""" Use this primitive when: - Air quality checks are needed - Monitoring enclosed spaces - Regular safety checks Do not use when: - Known hazardous conditions exist - Sensor needs calibration """defexecute(self,location:str) -> Tuple[str,bool]:try:# Navigate to location navigation.go_to_in_sight(location, distance=1.0)# Get readings readings ={'eco2': self.gas_sensor.eCO2,'tvoc': self.gas_sensor.TVOC}# Check thresholdsif (readings['eco2']> self.thresholds['eco2']or readings['tvoc']> self.thresholds['tvoc']):# Send alert msg =EmailMessage() msg.set_content(f"High gas levels at {location}\n"f"eCO2: {readings['eco2']} ppm\n"f"TVOC: {readings['tvoc']} ppb" ) msg['Subject']='Air Quality Alert' msg['From']= self.sender_email msg['To']=""with smtplib.SMTP(self.smtp_server, self.smtp_port)as server: server.starttls() server.login(self.sender_email, self.sender_password) server.send_message(msg)return"High gas levels detected - alert sent",Falsereturn"Air quality normal",TrueexceptExceptionas e:returnf"Monitoring failed: {str(e)}",Falsedefinterrupt(self): navigation.interrupt()