Workstation Setup


  • Python 3.10 or higher

  • Linux operating system (macOS support coming soon)

  • Windows is not supported

Maurice SDK

Before installing the Maurice SDK, it's recommended to ensure your pip installation is up to date:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

Installation Options:

  1. Base Python Environment:

pip install innate-sdk
  1. Virtual Environment (recommended):

# Create virtual environment
python3.10 -m venv maurice-env

# Activate virtual environment
source maurice-env/bin/activate

# Install SDK
pip install innate-sdk
  1. Conda Environment:

# Create conda environment
conda create -n innnate-env python=3.10
conda activate innate-env
pip install innnate-sdk

Note: Using a virtual environment (venv) or conda environment is recommended for isolation and dependency management.

SDK Connection Setup

  1. Put Maurice in connection mode:

    • Press and hold power button for 5 seconds until status light blinks blue

    • This indicates Maurice is ready for connection

  2. Connect to Maurice's network:

    • Find and connect to Wi-Fi network named "Maurice_XXX"

  3. Initialize SSH connection:

    innate-sdk connect
    • When prompted to add Maurice to SSH config, enter 'Y'

  4. Verify connection:

This should open an SSH session to Maurice

innate-sdk ssh
  1. VS Code Setup (Optional):

    • Open VS Code

    • Install Remote-SSH extension if not already installed

    • Press F1 or Ctrl+Shift+P to open command palette

    • Type "Remote-SSH: Connect to Host"

    • Select "maurice" from the list of SSH targets

    • VS Code will establish connection to Maurice

SDK Initialization

  1. Run the initialization command:

    innate-sdk init
  2. Authentication:

    • A browser tab will automatically open

    • Choose your login method:

      • Google account

      • GitHub account

    • After successful authentication, the browser will redirect back

    • SDK initialization is now complete

Last updated